
Navigating Parenthood

Shari Stamps is a neurodivergent mom to 6 and the founder of Navigating Parenthood where she combines her expertise as a postpartum educator & doula, breastfeeding specialist, craniosacral therapist & ICST, myofunctional therapist, baby-led sleep & wellbeing specialist, and infant massage instructor with her studies in oral ties, primitive reflexes, mother warming, and PMAD to prepare families for the fourth trimester then support them through the postpartum years via wellness visits, courses, and digital downloads. She's experienced PMAD, medical gaslighting, birth trauma, infant feeding issues, and so much more first-hand— which led her on the never-ending journey to learn more so that her clients don't have to spend years and tens of thousands of dollars on training and getting the wrong type of help— like she did — to get answers.